Build your package

Build your party package in seconds


Step One:

Get A Quote:

They say you can’t put a price on a good time – but for us, it’s a cinch!

Click here to swing by our bespoke, interactive package building platform. Viewing on a laptop or desktop makes it a piece of cake to navigate and use.

Next, just enter your event details and you’ll be offered a range of package options to build from. Every single one of ‘em has been carefully put together to cover all aspects of your bar experience.

Not sure which package is best for you? Jump on over to our FAQ page and it should enlighten ya.


Step Two:


Ok, the package is in the bag – now make it yours…

Each base package is a complete, all-inclusive offering designed to take the heavy lifting out of event planning. We’ll automatically figure out your recommended staffing and alcohol needs to give you an instant, accurate proposal. But here’s the really fun part:

Everything within the package is fully customizable – the first tab you see once you select a package option will be ‘Bar Package’ – think of this as a foundation to build upon.

Browse through our category menus to add any signature drinks you desire from our extensive menu of classic & specialty cocktails, upgrade your liquor choices to suit your guests’ tastes, level up your ice game & upgrade your glassware/tossware.


Step Three:

Confirm Staffing:

We’ll work out the number of staff needed to ensure your event runs smoother than a horse on skates. But please go ahead and add more if you’d like support on an additional satellite bar or any other hospitality help.


Step Four:

Submit Proposal:

Once you’re happy with your choices click ‘Submit Proposal’ and one of our event smartypants people will get back to you pronto to arrange a quick consultation. We’ll review and fine-tune your package with you and answer any questions you might have. After that, it’s over to us!

Don’t worry if you are unsure of any aspect of your package – we can perfect and tweak it together on your consultation. Have a little fun with your initial setup – it’s a party after all!

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